"If you please - draw me a sheep!"
said the little Prince, thinking not
about a real sheep, but a virtual one.
For a virtual sheep requires very
little space and can live a long time.

Democracy Unrealized, even In the so-called liberal
states, was the diagnosis made by the organizers of the
art show Documenta ii.The question is now: Is demo-
cracy realizable at all? At least for us, naive monsters,
referring to Prometheus, the answer is quite simple:
yes, by a further increment in the liberating dimension
of technology, not ideology; or, in other words, by con-
ceiving architecture as a quantum object, in which real
and virtual space are coherently superposed, the impact
of materiality could exponentially be reduced and invest-
ment of capital minimized. Architecture as an enabling
platform - for all.

Georg Flachbart is director of mind(21)factory for
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Design Stuttgart,
Fraiikfurt/M, Berlin, founded in 1999. He studied pliilo-
sophy, psychology and formal logic at Charles University
in Prague, where he obtained his PhD degree in 1974.
He worked as a scientific assistant in the Department of
Philosophy of Science at the Institute of Philosophy and
Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava
from 1974-80. Currently, he is a writer, director and pro-
ducer in audiovisual media and the performing arts, but
his chief occupation is action philosophy. Flachbart has
won many top media awards at international festivals in
Cliicago, New York, Hamburg.

8 PREFACE _From the Editors
10 Disappearing Architecture _From Real to Virtual to Quantum
Georg Flachbart
Director, mind(2i)factory for Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Design, Stuttgart

Information Technology Infrastructure for Open, Distributed
and Heterogeneous Application Environments
i8 After the Revolution _Instruments of Displacement
William J. Mitchell
Head, Media Arts and Sciences at MIT Media Lab, Cambridge/Mass.
24 The Architecture of the Multiverse
David Deutsch
Researcher, Center for Quantum Computation at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford
32 Autonomic Computing _Building Self-managing Computing Systems
Dagan Gilat
Manager, Active Solutions, IBM Research Laboratory, Haifa
42 Grid Computing _Basis of Multi-institutional Virtual Organizations
Holger Marten
Managing Director of the Grid Computing Center Karlsruhe (GridKa),
Institute for Scientific Computing at the Research Center Karlsruhe
52 Ubiquitous Computing _Computation Embedded in the World
Michael Beigl
Managing Director, Telecooperation Office (TecO), Institute for Telematics
at the University of Karlsruhe
62 The Development of Quantum Hardware for Quantum Computing
Andrew Daley, Ignacio Cirac, Peter Zoller
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of
Sciences and Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck (Daley, Zoller)
and Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching (Cirac)

Intersections of Real and Virtual Space in an Authentic
Architecture of the Digital Era

80 Constructing an Authentic Architecture of the Digital Era
William J. Mitchell
Head, Media Arts and Sciences at MIT Media Lab, Cambridge/Mass.
90 A New Kind of Building
Kas Oosterhuis
Principal, ONL [Oosterhuis_Lenardl, Rotterdam

118 Implosion of Numbers _Performative Mixed Reality
Wolfgang Strauss, Monika Reischmann
Directors, Media Arts Research Studies / MARS - Exploratory Media Lab,
Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, Sankt Augustin
132 Cybernarium _A Mixed-Reality Edutainment Center
Torsten Frohlich, Rolf Kruse
CTO/CEO Cybernarium Projektgesellschaft mbH, Darmstadt
Fraunhofer Institute for Graphic Data Processing, Darmstadt
144 T_Visionarium _Towards a Dialogic Concept of Digital Narrative
Dennis Del Favero, Nell Brown, Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel
Institute for iCinema Research, University of South Wales, Sydney
ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
152 Enhancing Spatiality _From HardWare to SoftForm
Winka Dubbeldam
Principal, Archi-Tectonics, New York City
162 The Relationship between Architecture and Virtual Media
Ivan Redi, Andrea Schrottner
Principals, ORTLOS architects, Graz
174 Architecture as a Media Catalyst
Stuart A. Veech
Principal , vma veech.media.architecture, Vienna
18 4 Architecture as a Habitable Medium
Elizabeth Diller, Richardo Scofidio
Principals, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, New York City
196 Impact of Network Logic on Space and its Making
Sulan Kolatan, William 3. Mac Donald
Principals, Kol/Mac Studio, New York City
206 Network Practice and the Products of Networking
Tom Verebes
Principal, ocean D, London, Boston, New York / AA Design Research Lab, London
218 Protospace 2.0 _The ICT-driven Collaborative Design Working Space
Kas Oosterhuls
Principal, ONL [Oosterhuis_Lenard], Rotterdam
236 Entering an Age of Fluidity
Hani Rashid
Principal , Asymptote, New York City

25 0 From Box to Intersection .Architecture at the Crossroads
Aaron Betsky
Director, Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam
258 Building Terminal _For an Architecture without Objectness
Ole Bouman
Editor-in-Chief, Archis Magazine, Amsterdam

264 Architecture _From Location to Nonlocation, from Presence to Absence
Peter Weibel
Director, ZKM Center for Ar t and Media, Karlsruhe